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It is the Holy Spirit Who carries the souls of faithful people, when they have died, across the Abyss which separates earth from Heaven. By our intercessions, in the power of Christ, we can help others to remain faithful until death and so to fly across the Abyss, far above Satan's kingdom, to fly swiftly into the glory of Heaven or to rest for a while, as if on a little ledge, hidden below the glory, which represents Purgatory - where souls are purified and made worthy of Heaven.
The Holy Spirit carries all faithful souls across the Abyss which separates earth from Heaven - though He does not carry all straight into Heaven, but to a place of purification, if they are not yet worthy. This place, called Purgatory, is represented here by the little ledge on the side of the cliff. The Holy Souls can see the fearsome depths below, and know that by God's grace they have been saved from falling into them.
A soul which has been almost ruined by mortal sin is like a bombed-out church, its interior full of rubble and charred beams. The walls still stand, but there is room enough for the evil one to come in and make that place his own.
People who persist in mortal sin, careless of the danger to their souls, and of the risk of damnation, are as if living on narrow ledges just above the great Abyss which separates earth from Heaven. They have no hope of crossing the Abyss, unless they are drawn up by God's grace and the prayers of the faithful to level ground, which is a state of grace. From there, they can allow the Spirit to carry them to Heaven; but if they stay on the ledges, then die, they will immediately fall into Hell below.
It is as if the Holy Souls are undergoing purification by reflecting, just below Heaven, within sight of the Abyss that leads to Hell, how good God is, who has rescued them from sin and disaster. They are helped by our prayers - and by the prayers of the Saints, which are like lifelines: long ropes let down from Heaven, so that the Holy Souls can be pulled up to glory.
We help the whole Church by every good thought we have, every good deed we do, every humiliation or pain met with patience not resentment, and every prayer, and every act of humility or reverence; and the Church includes the Holy Souls in Purgatory, many of whom are released into Heaven - by the grace of Christ, because of the good we do.
The souls in Purgatory suffer amidst the clouds of remorse and sin from which they are being purified. They desperately want our prayers, to aid them in their preparation for Heaven, by God's grace. It is tragic that many Catholics are careless about having a Mass said for the dead, or praying in private, and even more tragic that many Christians don't believe prayer for the Departed is necessary, despite its scriptural warrant. They in fact abandon their departed friends and relations.
It is tragic not only that some Catholics forget the Holy Souls in Purgatory, but that many Christians are told by their leaders that prayer for departed souls is unnecessary or useless. Well-meaning people leave their friends and relations in Purgatory, without offering a single prayer to God for them, and imagining that every kind of person will speed straight into Heaven, even when laden with sinful habits and attitudes.
Many people who sincerely love Christ and do His Will become the targets of the evil one. If he cannot tempt them to sin, he mocks them for their kindness, or their purity, and makes them endure salacious spiritual assaults of various types; yet all the time, Christ is close to such souls, supporting them in their trials. It's as if each of these faithful persons stands amidst piles of stinking rubbish, but is being held in the arms of Christ.
Those priests who have grievously sinned, or have become dispirited and somewhat hopeless, are not abandoned by Christ. Some might be in danger of falling into Hell, in the depths of the Abyss; but Christ is reaching out to them. If they reach up to Him in repentance and trust, before they die, they can find salvation and even joy and peace of soul.
A little child can scream for attention, and dispute every instruction from his mother, so ending up alone and miserable - or he can co-operate, and experience her companionship, her wise words, and her consolations; and so it is in the Church. A Catholic can disbelieve parts of the Faith, grumble about discipline, speak with hostility about the Pope, and become a slave to his own opinions, or he can choose to co-operate with God and the Church, and in that trust and obedience find not slavery but freedom, and joy, and peace of soul, and hope.
It's as if the Holy Souls are invited to wait, on a ledge, able to see the Abyss from which God has saved them. They cannot yet enter Heaven. Some people need a lengthy purification because, when on earth, they made compromises with the world which were scandalous or shameful, in the sight of God, Who sees everything. When our attempts to 'fit in' lead us to scorn or disobey God's Commandments, we shall have a prolonged Purgatory to endure, to be made worthy of Heaven, even when we have confessed our sins before we die.
The Scriptures say: 'Test the spirits'. Christ is the light of the world, and the love of God made visible; and He is alive, active in our world through His Spirit. We recognise Him in all that is done in His name in truthfulness, genuine charity, a desire to save souls, and a longing to glorify the Father in prayer. It is not Christ Who rocks tables as curious people call up unknown spirits, or claim to have new inspired Scriptures from God, or who shriek and dance, promising miracles to stir up interest in their own signs and wonders!
A blanket of fresh, gleaming snow looks beautiful, but underneath are hidden the gloomy depths of the earth, with damp vegetation, and worms. Many souls are like this. Catholics who persuade themselves that they are not sinning, and who never go to confession, are good only on the surface, and ill-prepared for Heaven.
Some Catholics seem to lead pure, orderly, admirable lives - like a garden freshly-covered in a blanket of snow - but beneath the surface there is a great depth of filth, gloom and decay. The remedy for sin is Confession, and a renewal of God's grace within the soul.
When an evil spirit has been welcomed into a wounded soul, and made at home, it will not leave, unless the person wishes to be delivered from it, for example, from a spirit of unkindness. It lurks in some souls, as a trap-door spider lurks underground, ever ready to leap out to hurt an unsuspecting victim.
We need to examine our souls, and repent of our bad habits; for example, if we have a spirit of unkindness within our souls, always ready to spring up to say or do something offensive or hurtful, we act like that trap-door spider, in Australia, which waits until the next victim is heard approaching, just a little way above.
In God's sight, it is a cause for sadness that some of the Clergy, who have been ordained to preach the truths handed down in the Church, now teach a religion which they have tailored to suit their own ideas and desires. Most of these do not realise that they are being used by the evil one to lead people astray. Priests endanger their own souls, too, when they are proud and disobedient.
We can save souls, by the grace of Christ, through our prayers and sacrifices. No matter how sick we are, nor how feeble our efforts, if we offer up our prayers, and our pains as penances for people trapped in sin and in danger of falling into the Abyss (into Hell), and if we offer everything in union with Christ's Sacrifice, we join in His work of salvation.
Just as a scientist, using an illuminated magnifying lens, can see hair-line cracks, and other dangers to hygiene, invisible to the naked eye, so the Lord can illuminate our souls in prayer; and the Divine, healing light that shines within our souls when we bring our sins, hurts and problems to God is a powerful means of achieving purity and holiness.
Showing 601 - 620 of 740