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The fact that the Catholic Church is persecuted is a sign that she shares in the sufferings of her Master, as the True Church that has been criticised in every age. If the people of the world were to march past us, criticising Catholics, even the very last of the persons would have something bad to say about the Church; but the Church consists of the Saints and the Holy Souls too. We must not lose heart, but trust in the promises of our Saviour, and in His graces.
All sad and wounded persons can find help through prayer. Every victim of abuse by a priest can find help and strength if he will turn to Our Blessed Lady, who will lead him towards her son. Healing rays of Divine Grace can work marvels in the hearts, minds and souls of those wounded in childhood, and still preoccupied, today, with horrible memories. God can even help them to live out their faith by forgiving their abusers.
Obstinate souls require firm 'treatment'. A soul that is well-cared for, in the sense of being pleasing to God because of its purity, humility and love, is like a beautiful lawn that is pleasant to walk upon; but a soul that neglects its spiritual health is like a place of dry grass broken up by patches of mud. It needs to be well-dug before new seed can be sown; and that 'digging' might take the form of an apparent catastrophe in ordinary life.
Whenever we offer up our sufferings, willingly accepting them in union with Christ in His Passion, we can know that we win graces for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, or for people on earth who are trapped in sin. We enable someone, somewhere, to leave gloom behind and to move towards the light of Heaven. We do their penance, for them.
Whenever we offer up, in prayer, in union with Christ our Saviour, whatever sufferings we currently try to endure with patience, we are helping souls in danger of spiritual disaster. It's as if we are calling out - by the power of Christ - to someone who is about to descend a flight of steps that lead down to Hell. It's as if we are calling out - 'Don't go down there; it's a dead end!' By the grace of Christ, and our prayer, we can help people to turn back to Christ.
How watchful are we about our everyday habits? Much of what people feast upon today is actually damaging to their souls. It can 'poison' their spiritual lives. By gossip, or pornography or other evils it's as if people feast, like the rats that eat the pellets in the corner of a barn. They feel full, but will poison their souls just as the rats poison their bodies.
As a healthy bush in a well-tended garden hides within itself little birds who joyfully sing all day, so the soul of someone who loves Christ hides within itself Christ, Who sings out His praise of the Father, all day; and that soul can join in!
Within the soul, as if in a bright interior chamber where the contemplative meets Christ in prayer, it's as if there is a secret chamber into which Christ can draw that person, to bring her to meet the Holy Spirit and the Father too, and to share Christ's secrets, about the life of God and the life of grace. Only those people who have sincerely tried to live in charity, humility and purity can enjoy such intimacy with God.
It can be tempting, to go from parish to parish, looking for a priest who will really 'understand' our soul, and free us from our scruples. But if we picture the Catholic Church as being like one vast tent, in which we have priests to help us, it can seem rather foolish to go from priest to priest, disbelieving the assurances of one, then turning round to seek opinions from another. Better to trust in Christ, who guides us through His faithful priests and who certainly forgives our sins in each good confession.
Through the goodness of God the Father and the merits of His Son, our Lord, we can help the Holy Souls by our prayers, including those who usually have no-one to pray for them. We can help them towards Heaven, where they are greeted, and welcomed into glory, to join the Saints at God's Heart. It was with a similar welcome that Christ greeted the Saintly Souls, such as prophets and patriarchs, in the underworld, after His death and before His Resurrection; and He told them that their long wait was nearly over.
The Blessed Virgin sacrificed her life, to give the world its Saviour. The Church has issued formal declarations in modern times of what she has long believed about Our Blessed Lady: about her purity (The Immaculate Conception) and her triumph (Her Assumption, body and soul, into Heaven); yet Christ wants to see honour paid to her courage and love, through a formal definition of her titles, proclaiming her, 'Co-Redemptrix', and, 'Mediatrix of all Graces'.
People are unwise, who are not content with the teachings of the Church, and ordinary devotions, and who run after spiritual marvels, secrets, reported apparitions and miracles, ignoring the judgement of Bishops. Satan can make 'idols', which means false apparitions so enticing that he leads people away from Christ's Way. Satan can manipulate people and circumstances in order to damage souls and try to ruin the Church.
If a follower of Christ has not remained alert, and has failed to prevent the admittance of thoughts and desires that are unworthy of a person on the Way to Heaven, his stream of consciousness thought is like a stream full of shrieking demons who are chatting to one another as they invade his mind and soul.
Jesus Christ is Divine. He is God-made-man, whereas His mother is only human - though very pure and holy. Christ did not simply use the Virgin Mary as a conduit for His arrival on earth. Her life is inextricably entwined with His, and will be so forever, as she intercedes for the Church, at His side in Heaven. It was by Divine grace that she was conceived Immaculate, worthy to be the mother of the Infant Jesus. She taught Him in His boyhood, then saw Him teach others, in His adult life. She suffered with Him, as He endured the Cross; and after His Resurrection and Ascension she guided the disciples. She was with them at Pentecost. But when her work on earth was done she was assumed, body and soul, to Heaven, to be with her beloved son forever, interceding for us who need their prayers.
It's as if each soul bears a flame of charity; and some fires are so great that they perpetually burn in praise in union with God and one another.
Some souls have not heeded the warning that the evil one, like a lion, prowls around seeking those he can devour. They do their own will, not God's Will, until death; then are horrified to enter the 'lion's mouth', which is the evil one's 'embrace'.
There are many people who look upon the Church's teaching on celibacy as being something medieval that belongs to a time of fairy stories and superstition. They have no realisation that it is an heroic way of life on a par with the costly ventures undertaken by military forces. The military go out in order to save a nation, but the priests to save souls, by a radical way of life, like that of Jesus.
How to know Jesus Christ
Finding Christ, Finding Life: a talk by Elizabeth Wang, given at the French Church, Leicester Square, London, 2006.
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Holiness, by Elizabeth Wang
This text is the complete version of the pamphlet entitled 'SPEAK ABOUT HOLINESS'. It is based on a talk given by Elizabeth Wang.
This little book contains the full version of the text I …
What is Mary Like? by Elizabeth Wang
This text is the complete version of the pamphlet WHAT IS MARY LIKE?
“Now having met together; they asked him, ‘Lord, has the time come? Are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel?’ He replied,…
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