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In God's sight, little babies who die - before birth or after; of natural causes or abortion - are like shooting stars which flare briefly and then fall from the sky. These lives sparkled briefly before tumbling into God's care, as if into a father's arms; yet much prayer is necessary, to halt the evil of abortion by which some people do a grave wrong to the babies, and to their own souls.
If we are humble, repentant, loving, and faithful to Christ, His glory will shine out from our souls as if from a diamond
As our priest says: "Through Him, with Him", we pray with thousands of saintly souls, and with the whole Church.
Catholic editors have a great responsibility to see that truth is predominant in their pages, and not falsehood, heresy, or distortion that can lead souls astray and that are like stains upon the columns we read.
Catholic editors have a great responsibility to see that truth is predominant in their pages, and not falsehood, heresy, or distortion that can lead souls astray and that are like stains upon the columns we read.
Truly, Christ our God is Present before us, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity: Present in glory at every Mass to pray to the Father on our behalf. He is the Living Bread, come down from Heaven, for the life of our souls. On the feast of 'The Body and Blood of Christ', we pay Him special honour.
At His Incarnation, it's as though Christ descended to people trapped and lost in a deep mine-shaft. At intervals, He gives special help to lost souls by sending helpers along who give clear reminders of how to find Christ, and rise up to the light.
It is the Holy Spirit Who pours peace within the souls of Christ's friends, and even allows such souls to share that peace, even at a distance, through their communion with one another 'in Christ'. They can encourage one another to more fervent prayer - as when happy dolphins nudge one another, to encourage joyful leaps into the sunlight above the surface of the water.
Christ unites his friends on earth in the 'Communion of Saints'. Every prayer offered through Christ touches or helps other souls.
The Lord sees behind the image we present to the world. The Lord sees 'behind' our masks, our exteriors. He sees the state of our souls. He sees sinful souls as being grievously 'sick' and wounded, in desperate need of help - if they will accept it.
A very sinful person is in a pitiful state, in God's sight, and in the 'sight' of those who are permitted by God to 'read' souls - as the sickest of sick human beings. Someone in serious sin, who denies that he is sinful, or persists in it, is like a person with festering sores who refuses to have his wounds treated.
True friends in Christ can help to draw one another closer to God's heart. Even at a distance of many miles, some souls can soar 'upwards' to God, together, by God's Will and power. God has shown each when the other is praying, and then enables each to help the other.
Each Divine Person is at work to draw a soul into the heights of union. Father, Son and Holy Spirit - One God - are lovingly attentive, and draw willing souls up high.
Life in Christ is like a constantly moving process of loving guidance from the Three Divine Persons. This draws willing souls up high, to greater sanctity.
Whenever souls encourage one another in holiness they help one another to rise up in prayer towards Heaven: freed from fear, doubt or hesitation.
The Christ we meet in Holy Communion is as if at the 'doorway' of three areas. He is the point at which His friends of earth, Purgatory and Heaven meet. We on earth are close to Him, but not yet wholly secure; the Holy Souls are safe forever, but cannot yet 'hold' Him; the Saints share His glory, and can never lose Him.
If we surrender to him, the Holy Spirit will fill our souls with light, love, purity, peace, and power
Our spiritual Communion, in the Communion of Saints, is like the connection in a conference call. We must keep the transmitter in good order, and the lines open by taking care of our souls. If we refuse to forgive anyone, for example, it's as if we deliberately walk away from God and our friends.
Everything in a priest's life should pale into insignificance when set beside the supreme task of saving souls and leading them towards an everlasting Easter. No personal or private ambition or scheme must intrude.
No-one would want to walk down the aisle in a badly stained garment for everyone to see. Yet many people walk down the aisle, for Holy Communion, with their souls covered in huge 'stains' - which Jesus can see - the stains of unrepented sins.
Showing 81 - 100 of 358