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In wartime, some people slipped away from a town in darkness, to join the partisans in the hills, and to work for justice and the defeat of evil conquerors. And in the Church today, faithful members work quietly to defeat the evils that have entered the Church: irreverence, dissent and heresy.
Rich and poor, sick and well, can receive faith. All who put their trust in Jesus and His saving work and come 'into the light' by membership of His Church can be confident that the prayers they offer through and with Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit, will be heard and answered.
God pours out into our souls tremendous graces when we confess our sins in the Sacrament of Penance. As a dirty room needs cleaning right into the corners, so our souls need purifying in every 'area' - by the grace of Christ, Who is at work in His Church.
Through Him, With Him: Christ, Present amongst us, tears apart the curtain that separates us from Heaven. By His paschal work - re-presented in the Mass - He penetrates the veil, and brings us and our united prayer into the presence of God the Father, and the Saints who live in Him.
A man shows real love if he visits his mother and helps her. Yet he also shows love if he makes time to sit with her, in conversation or a compassionate silence. And so it is with us, and Christ; He deserves our adoration as well as our service and work.
The Father sees everything that happens to us, as we live and work in the 'darkness' of earthly life, as if in a deep cavern, far below Heaven's glory. Yet when we overcome our sins and persevere in difficulties, and share our faith in God, we give joy to God's heart.
Some deficient catechesis puts great emphasis on God's work for human beings in past ages, and God's glorious plans for the faithful in Heaven, but with little teaching about how we can meet and touch God here, in the present moment.
Christ showed me the place in Heaven amongst the Saints that He has reserved for one of the Shepherds of His flock on earth; yet there is more brave work to be done before that place is filled.
The Saints of Heaven are aware of the problem of sin. They pray that we will turn to Christ, put our trust in Him, and find grace to be worthy, when our work is done, to enter Heaven and join them.
By showing concern about people who need food and drink, we demonstrate the love in our hearts - as Jesus did when He healed a little girl, the asked for her to be fed, and as we do when we work for our own family day after day, for many years.
Within the Father's heart, in Heaven, burns a blazing light. This is the glory of the Father, and within it is a furnace of Divine Love. That very love should burn within the heart of every Christian who professes to work for God. If a burning charity is lacking, someone's work cannot succeed. It will be based on human ambition and only human strength.
There are many children who, left to themselves, make foolish or selfish decisions about their behaviour; for example, many choose to watch pornography on their computers instead of doing their school-work. Yet Christ is at work, by His grace, calling back each one to find lasting joy and fulfilment.
Christ looks on with joy as a man who was once involved in violent and criminal activities now travels widely, speaking to young people about 'life in Christ', and working to lead them onto the right path, and away from all that is evil.
Christ looks on with joy as a man who was once involved in violent and criminal activities now travels widely, speaking to young people about 'life in Christ', and working to lead them onto the right path, and away from all that is evil.
Christ spoke of someone who repented of the abortions he'd performed for years. The Holy Spirit is now at work in that man's life as he bravely speaks out, and draws people away from their 'pro-choice' stance.
A person who is at work fulfilling his ordinary duties for love of God is very beautiful, in God's sight. This is what Our Lord Jesus Christ did, for many years, before He set out for His brief but amazing Public Ministry. We too, can be sure that we please God when we fulfil our daily duties.
A good priest feels privileged to be ordained, is awestruck by Christ's love, believes all that the Church teaches, never grumbles about his work, is keen to hand on the truth, is fearless in preaching, tells the whole truth about faith and morals, and requests reverent behaviour in church, where Christ is Really Present in the Blessed Sacrament.
When Christ was in the Upper Room, praying before His Passion, He was praying in the Holy Spirit to His Heavenly Father. The Three are One God, distinct Persons but undivided; and we should remember that salvation is the work of the Holy Trinity. The Father's goodness, the Son's obedience and the Spirit's power have made our salvation possible.
When Christ was in the Upper Room, praying before His Passion, He was praying in the Holy Spirit to His Heavenly Father. The Three are One God, distinct Persons but undivided; and we should remember that salvation is the work of the Holy Trinity. The Father's goodness, the Son's obedience and the Spirit's power have made our salvation possible.
We should trust that God sees our efforts to love Him. If we worry about our little failings, when we are exhausted from having done great work for Him amidst opposition and spiritual assaults, we are like a soldier who has travelled hundreds of miles in dangerous mountains to save the lives of his comrades, and who now lies wounded, but who apologises for not having cleaned his teeth or done up his top shirt button.
Showing 121 - 140 of 333