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God our Father is kind and merciful; yet when we pray to the Father in the name of Christ, our Brother, we're like a little boy in the world, who asks his older brother to come with him while he asks for a special favour, or asks pardon for thoughtless behaviour. He can be certain that his brother will explain things perfectly, and ensure gifts, or forgiveness.
A priest or seminarian, in his interactions each day, is as if swimming in a stream of truth in which there are cloudy deposits, which are worldly attitudes, modernist opinions and foolish ideas. Some of these will stick to him, unless by regular prayer he allows God to purify his heart, soul and mind. Then he will be worthy to preach the Gospel handed down since the Apostles.
We cannot save ourselves. There is only one Saviour. Countless sinful people are being carried away by their sins towards their doom; yet Christ came into the world and conquered death and sin, and now, we can conquer sin by His power, given through His Church and her sacraments. Rescued from the flood, we can share Christ's life and look forward to Heaven.
In ancient times, when God gave the Commandments to Moses, God forbade the making of images. He was helping a primitive people to turn away from idolatry. But ever since the living, invisible God has revealed to the world His Son Jesus Christ, the 'living image' of the Father, Christians have rightly used imagery to inspire and educate fellow human beings.
When God created the world He prepared for us an amazing variety of created beauty, but no entirely blank areas. The icy poles of the earth shimmer with reflected light. The deserts are made beautiful by shadows and sunsets; and the plants and creatures astonish us in their great variety and infinity of extraordinary details. And human beings are glorious, in their variety.
If an Angel were to search the world looking for his God, Who had come to earth as man, the Angel might expect to see Him enthroned and adored. But no, he would have found the God-man in a dungeon, in chains, betrayed and tormented. What a picture this gives us of the sinful state of mankind.
We need to be 'washed' before we work for others. Christ's main message for His disciples to share, and for us to follow, is about repentance. Unless we are reconciled to God, we cannot do good work for God in the world. It is foolish to try to 'save the planet' if we have not taken steps to accept salvation from God. A cookery teacher who never washes her hands before class will probably poison as many pupils as she feeds.
The Lord has a plan for every life: an invitation which, when heard and accepted, enables each one to love and serve Him and to find true happiness, both in this world, even amidst differences, and in life after death.
It is God Who has given each of us life, and various gifts, and promptings to do good. People who decide, on a selfish whim, to stop serving God and to fulfil their own selfish ambitions are like a chemist who, having been trained, and given responsible work to do, suddenly wanders off into the sunshine, leaving his work at a critical stage, and hindering and upsetting his colleagues. When millions act like this, we have today's world.
All over the world are people in spiritual darkness, caused by original sin. Parents require the grace of God in order to bring up their child to have the right attitudes and beliefs, and so become holy; and they also need grace in order to love one another always with a love that is pure, fruitful and faithful.
To meet Christ at death whilst in a state of grace is to be wearing the wedding garment necessary for Heaven, even if it is stained, and must be washed clean in Purgatory. Good people who have never known Christ meet Him at the edge of Heaven; some greet Him gladly, when told He is the Saviour of the world and so receive a white garment. Others refuse to accept Him, and condemn themselves, and cannot therefore enter Heaven.
The Lord asks us to persevere in prayer for atheists. When we do so, it's as if He lets down a rope from Heaven, into the hole in the ground where they choose to live. They have blinded themselves to His existence by ignoring the glory of the natural world, the weight of human testimony, and the call of conscience.
Millions were slaughtered in the last world war, and there is a slaughter just as great taking place through abortion.
Long ago, people did evil. It was as though there was a thick cloud of sin covering the world - even before there was a huge river of dead babies, killed by abortion. But Christ pierced the cloud by His Incarnation. He made a way up to Heaven. He asks each of us to work beneath the cloud, in our societies, to change things for the better, until we rise up to Heaven.
In a single day, thousands of children throughout the world are aborted and swept away
The Lord wants everyone to realise what He sees, from Heaven, as He looks upon the world He made and sees human beings kill and discard the little babies to whom He gave life at their conception. He sees mothers, whom He wishes to cherish their children, ask doctors to destroy them in the womb! This destruction of babies is a monstrous sin, in His sight; yet people call it a 'woman's right'.
We are wise if we listen to the Pope and His teaching. A priest who is unorthodox misleads those he should guide. It is as if he has set up and climbed a short ladder, so he can look upon the Church and the world, and decide on a personal opinion to share. The wise priest hands on what he has learned from Christ and His Church - through the Scriptures and the Sacred Tradition - because Christ has seen everything from a higher place: from Heaven, which He once left for our own sake, and where He now reigns.
The Lord asks Catholics who doubt His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament: Ff Christ could become man, through the Virgin Mary, and allow Himself to die and be buried, and yet visit Abraham and the Prophets in the underworld, then ascend to Heaven to live there in glory, can He not come down to earth again, by the same power, as the Holy Spirit makes Him Present on the altar, as the bread and wine are changed into Christ's Body and Blood, and His friends prepare to receive Him?
Every time a baby is aborted - even one as tiny as six weeks gestation - a beating heart is stopped, a living human being is snuffed out, because he or she is inconvenient or unwanted. This is not a 'bunch of cells' or a blob of tissue, but a person, who was not allowed to enter this world alive.
Christ the King of Heaven looks down with horror upon the earth He made, as He sees processions of sad and guilty women, or defiantly guilty women, making their way to abortion clinics all over the world, to destroy the babies whom these women conceived, and to whom Christ gave life, as a free gift.
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