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Holy Angels, on high, surround our altar, gazing toward it, ready to adore Our Lord when He is made Present before us.
No other praise but Christ's Sacrifice is worthy of the Father. All who praise God through Christ are praising Him through the power of that offering - even Christians who do not know about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
All Christians who praise God offer that praise through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, even if they are unaware of it
At 'Corpus Christi' feast (the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ) brilliant rays of light streamed from the elevated Host.
A single prayer of true contrition pierces the heart of God (like a blade). The 'sweet wine' of God's peace and forgiveness pours out.
By a simple act of sincere sorrow-for-sin, it's as if we pierce the heart of God, like a blade, to effect an immediate outpouring of the 'sweet wine' which is God's forgiveness and peace.
One who is close to Christ's heart offers Christ's praise to the Father as if it were His own. That praise is worthy of God.
By seeing our daily life, in God's light, we see the 'layers' of praise, work, resentments, unforgiven sins, unremedied wrongs - like taking samples of core from the ground.
When we repent of our sins Jesus Christ looks on us with tenderness just as when a mother embraces her child
When we repent of our sins Jesus Christ looks on us with tenderness just as when a mother embraces her child
To allow oneself to be led by Christ, by His Spirit, is to be like a dancer who trusts her partner to guide her every move.
Christ - His back towards me - faces the Father and offers our prayer of thanksgiving and grace before meals.
A true disciple stays close to Christ, learns from Him, and is confident of Christ's love even when Christ seems to be distant.
The Most Holy Spirit is like a lamp, shining above us, as we make our way towards Christ in Heaven.
As Christ pours out His Blood in a New Covenant, a great malevolent wind sweeps over the Cross, threatening and destroying.
A malevolent wind sweeps over the earth. But by our trust in Christ we can resist it.
No evil force can undo what Christ does by His offering of His Holy Sacrifice. One who clings to the cross has hope.
If we cling to the Cross no evil force can overcome us
Christ shares His Divine Life with each communicant; and He builds 'bridges' between those who love Him.
One who is baptised, yet is not in 'Full Communion' with the Catholic Church, is like someone who remains in the shallows, not fully swimming in the depths.