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Here amongst us, Christ offers His Holy Sacrifice, once offered on Calvary; yet He lives in Heaven, Risen now, and we live in hope.
What end awaits a human life which is sinful, lacking Divine Life, existing far from God? It falls, like a husk, a fruitless thing.
A blaze of light streams upwards to Heaven, from the heart of a baby whose heart, after baptism, is full of Divine Life.
The 'Loss of God' felt by Holy Souls is caused by their sins, which obscure the beautiful and warming sight of God.
We can meet Christ in the Blessed Sacrament on the altar; in His Person and His Presence, we can touch every stage of Christ's life.
Christ said that He, the Son of Mary, is like His mother, in his tender gestures and tactful silences.
No-one is denied mercy who asks for it. But one who will not open to love's rays of light is not able to accept mercy.
Christ showed me the simple way: through faith and trust in Him I am making my way to eternity, like a child who walks on stepping-stones
Christ spoke with great courage, to His apostles, holding the cup of His Blood, and already seeing His 'pit' of suffering.
Wonderful things can happen in the life of grace, no matter how restricted our life. Every trial, if accepted, gives glory to God.
The least scrap of pride or self-righteousness prevents God's light from pouring within the soul, as surely as when the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
God sometimes calls us to prayer, and we are held up by Christ above the cloud of earthly thought, and near the 'source', the Father.
In contemplation Christ lifts us above earthly thoughts to the edge of Heaven
In contemplation Christ lifts us above earthly thoughts to the edge of Heaven
The best mediator for men in trouble is another man. The very best is the God-man, Jesus Christ: He surpasses all others by His Divine Love, combined with His human cry from the depths of the pit which is human estrangement and suffering.
It is as if Christ's Cross is thrust through the narrow opening to Heaven, wedging it open so that Christ's friends may go in.
God guards the soul. He guards worthily the soul which receives Christ in Holy Communion. Holy Angels stand beside us, in reverent silence.
Our life can be seen as a flat ribbon which passes near the dazzling 'sphere' of Divine Life. A point where ribbon touches sphere is found in Holy Mass.
The Consecration at Mass is the 'intersection' between human life and Divine Life, as when a ribbon touches a sphere.
One who 'touches' Christ at the 'intersection' of Divine and human life at Holy Mass, 'touches' Christ the infant, the crucified, the Risen Lord.