Images » Finding Christ, Finding Life
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If we unite our sufferings with Christ, he supports us and allows us to share in his saving work. The Father then sees Christ in us, as we seek to do God's will.
In Holy Communion our little sins fall away like ashes as Christ lifts us up to share His joy
Jesus can help us to keep our balance, when we are about to fall into pride or despair
We can only find intimacy with God in prayer if we approach him through the 'door' of humility and discover the vast universe within the soul.
The prayer of the Church, offered through Jesus, and with Mary, is like an umbilical cord that ascends to the Father and joins us to heaven.
When Christ died for us, to take away our sins, the angels hid their faces in horror
The Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother, prays for us continually, and helps those we entrust to her care, including the Holy Souls
Our personal prayers and devotions, such as the Rosary, unite us to Heaven, and delight our Guardian Angel
Through faith, baptism, and loving obedience, we share in the life of the Holy Trinity
Our intercessions for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, in the name of Jesus, are like a rope that draws them towards heaven
Through each Bishop who is in communion with the Pope, God the Father sanctifies, teaches and guides us. Those who welcome the Bishop's blessing are enfolded in the grace and peace of the Holy Trinity
If someone, perhaps without realising it, is in moral or spiritual danger, it is our plain duty to warn and help them
God holds in existence all things, and all people, including those who question His existence
If we surrender to him, the Holy Spirit will fill our souls with light, love, purity, peace, and power
Jesus himself speaks to us through the Holy Scriptures, especially when the Gospel is proclaimed at Mass
Jesus Christ is true God, who took on our human nature, having the humility and goodness to come amongst us as a mere infant.
Jesus's love is personal, tender, and unchanging; he is present with us always, especially in the Blessed Sacrament, and consoles us with His Presence
Through the one Sacrifice of Christ, re-presented at every Mass, we are united with the Heavenly Court and the souls of Purgatory