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We give great joy to Christ when we obey his wishes, whether His inspirations in prayer or the teachings of the Church; He even praises the Father for the good He sees in us. Christ knows that by our good thoughts, words and deeds we become more like Christ, and give glory to the Father.
Those people who disbelieve in the Church's teachings will find out, after death, the truth of every aspect - whether matters of sexual morality or the Primacy of the Pope. What sadness they will feel, seeing how blind and disobedient they have been, ignoring the wishes of their God and Saviour.
There are streets full of houses where people who look within them see little art and hear little music: two of the great gifts received by human beings from God. God forbade imagery long ago, only to deter ancient people from idolatry. Since He gave us Christ - His own 'living image', Christians have rightly used art as a means of inspiring and educating fellow human beings.
In ancient times, when God gave the Commandments to Moses, God forbade the making of images. He was helping a primitive people to turn away from idolatry. But ever since the living, invisible God has revealed to the world His Son Jesus Christ, the 'living image' of the Father, Christians have rightly used imagery to inspire and educate fellow human beings.
When God created the world He prepared for us an amazing variety of created beauty, but no entirely blank areas. The icy poles of the earth shimmer with reflected light. The deserts are made beautiful by shadows and sunsets; and the plants and creatures astonish us in their great variety and infinity of extraordinary details. And human beings are glorious, in their variety.
Whether he is speaking to fellow-Catholics, or with atheistic government men, a Bishop is meant to speak as a mouthpiece for the Will of God. He should know God's will for human beings, and not be afraid to speak frankly about it, and to be fearless when challenged.
Christ has given His Church the authority to teach us. Christian principles have underpinned the government of our country for over a thousand years; and she should not be pushed off course by a handful of atheists in power. We please Christ when we speak the truth about making laws based on moral and ethical foundations.
God wants our children to learn the truth. Each received life from God, is loved by God; and life has a purpose; we should prepare for Heaven by a life of love and holiness, through the friendship of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Church. The Christian principles, on which our country is founded must not be pushed aside by atheistic government persons.
Lapsed Catholics do not grow in the knowledge and love of God; and when they die, those who see God and are ashamed of their earlier indifference go to Purgatory, whilst those who hate God and are resolute in their rejection of Him hurl themselves away from Him and therefore into Hell, which is life without His light and peace.
Mankind received from God the greatest possible gift: the life of God's own Son, on earth amongst us. And how was He treated, this gift from Heaven? Mocked, rejected, beaten, tortured and killed. If it were today, it would be the same.
Some Catholics who receive Christ in Holy Communion don't want to open their hearts and minds to Him, or His light might shine upon their sins and bad habits. It's as though they are heaping sacks of coal onto a trap door, to prevent Him from entering their lives; but in shutting Him out, they shut out His joy and peace too.
The Father looks down from Heaven with a compassionate gaze, seeing all the elderly parents who are regarded as a nuisance by their healthy adult children. He sees how few are invited to share their children's lives and homes when they are becoming lonely, and deserve love and attention.
Christ, Who asks each of us to 'Honour your mother and father', set us an example of care. Even when He was dying in agony, on the Cross, He remembered to commend His dear Mother to the care of St. John, to ensure that she had a loving home.
It is the Lord's dear wish that each child to whom He has given the gift of life will be brought up by it's parents to be worthy to inherit Eternal Life. It is tragic if children are made aware only of earthly life, and are led to believe that the purpose of life is to become rich, or to fill every moment with earthly pleasure.
Christ spoke the truth, in the Temple, about the activity in the Temple, and risked criticism and revenge. We too must speak the truth about wrong-doing in our society, rather than condone it or keep silent about offensive behaviour.
The Lord Showed me one woman being released from Purgatory, and another requiring further purification. Both had been baptised, then had sinned. Each was saved at death through having been anointed in the Sacrament of the Sick. One spent a short time in Purgatory, because she had been badly taught, as a Protestant, about sin. The other, a cradle Catholic, was more blame-worthy, and should have known better.
It is the Holy Spirit Who inspires us to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory; and He wants us to know that they are not only helped by our prayers, towards heaven, but also consoled, in the knowledge that they are not forgotten by the Church.
Christ was betrayed and left alone with His enemies because people were afraid - or did not believe in Him. Today, He sees many Catholics betray Him when they dispute or ignore His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, or other teachings of the Church, and when they criticize priests and lay-persons who speak the truth about sin and virtue.
If an Angel were to search the world looking for his God, Who had come to earth as man, the Angel might expect to see Him enthroned and adored. But no, he would have found the God-man in a dungeon, in chains, betrayed and tormented. What a picture this gives us of the sinful state of mankind.
The very Spirit Who was with Christ in His Passion and Who raised Him up from the grave dwells - with the Father and Son - in the soul of every persecuted Christian; and each one who suffers for love of Christ should remember that whatever happens externally, that faithful soul is full of Divine Light.